There’s an old Chinese Medical saying: “Where there’s stagnation, there will be pain. Remove the
stagnation, and you remove the pain.” Acupuncture is terrific for removing stagnation, but it’s not the
only tool for the job. Sometimes, we use cups, scrapers or massage to move what’s stuck. What’s
selected depends on the patient, the practitioner, and the problem to be solved.
Acupuncture is the insertion of hair-thin needles into the body stimulating it to heal. That encouragement can be systemic, influencing the brain, the nervous system or even one’s circulation. It can also be local, affecting specific structures such as muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Acupuncture treats a wide range of conditions from stress, anxiety, body pain, and even the common cold. More than 90% of our treatments involve just acupuncture. It’s immensely versatile.
Cupping is a deep tissue suction massage, applied along the energy channels of the body, to increase the flow of blood, lymph, vital fluids, and phlegm. The medicinal use of suction cups has been documented for more than three thousand years. They have been used to treat lung problems such as asthma, tuberculosis, and colds. They have been effective for muscular issues such as cramping, swelling, stiffness, arthritis, and paralysis. And, they are good for migraines, fatigue, anxiety, and even cellulite.
The procedure is very relaxing and produces results quickly. The one side-effect of cupping is that it often bruises the skin as the stagnation in your body is released. That bruising is not dangerous and usually clears within a week. Cupping is available on its own or it can be combined with acupuncture during our Acupuncture Plus…visits.
Gua Sha is the scraping of lubricated skin with an edged tool. It creates petechiae (red/purple spots caused by subcutaneous bleeding) which produce an anti-inflammatory effect and increased immune response in the body. The procedure sounds painful, but it’s not. Rather, it produces a freeing and relaxing effect that’s very helpful for many ills and injuries including fever, chills, cough, inflammation, pain, stiffness, and stress.
Gua sha has ancient beginnings. Written records of its use in medical procedures go back 700 years to the Ming Dynasty. Gua sha is available in combination with acupuncture during our Acupuncture Plus…visits.
Tui Na is a system of massage and body manipulation that stimulates acupuncture points and gets energy moving in the muscles, fascia, and circulatory system. The techniques used are helpful for both acute and chronic conditions, are typically done while the patient is clothed, and can be applied in a wide range of intensities from quite gentle to very firm.
Like Gua sha, Tui na has ancient roots. It was supposedly developed during the Shang Dynasty 3700 years ago. Tui na is available in combination with acupuncture during our Acupuncture Plus…visits.
Fascial Bodywork includes therapeutic methods of gentle touch to help restore the body’s natural form, function, and movement. Two methods we provide are Sotai and Myofascial Release. Sotai uses resisted stretching techniques to strengthen, tone, and balance muscle. Myofascial Release reduces tension in the myofascial tissue, especially effective for treating conditions and injuries of the limbs and extremities.
Our Fascial Bodywork visit is offered by Kelly. It doesn’t include acupuncture.
Electro-Acupuncture (E-Stim) is the application of electricity to acupuncture needles to relieve pain, stimulate muscle, encourage bone healing or relieve neurologic disorders. Also, there is some evidence that electrical stimulation of acupuncture points activates the endorphin system, which could lower blood pressure and reduce heart disease.
Ancient E-Stim was performed with electric eels. Fortunately, we don’t do that anymore! Modern E-Stim began in the 1930’s. Today’s equipment and techniques are both subtle and effective for a wide range of conditions. Electro-Acupuncture is available in combination with acupuncture during our Acupuncture Plus…visits.
Our Acupuncture Plus…visits cost $55 – $75, pay what you can afford. The cost is higher because we spend twice as much time treating you then during a regular visit. The benefit is that you will typically heal faster with these treatments, making them a better bang for your buck.
That said, regular treatments are fine for most illnesses and injuries. There’s no need to pay more. Which should you get? Ask your practitioner for guidance. The answer will usually be regular unless your injury is old, stubborn or fairly significant.
Commonly treated conditions include:
AC joint injuries
achilles tendonitis
ankle sprain
carpal tunnel syndrome
degenerative arthritis
frozen shoulder
golfer’s elbow
hamstring injuries
hip arthritis or bursitis
iliotibial band syndrome
low back injury
morton’s neuroma
neck pain
patellar tendonitis
plantar fasciitis
shin splints
tennis elbow